C’est parti ! Merci pour l’accueil de Denis, Claude, Jean-Paul
Les enfants ont commencé à travailler sur le sujet des pierres sèches qui constitue un élément important de leur paysage… Grenouille et fourmis
Tournage en décembre 2020
AWS Certification: The Benefits
AWS certification is a direct reference to the cloud’s long-term potential. Learning never stops, whether you are a student or a professional. All ages are welcome to enroll in a certification course that is relevant to their profession. This will help them to increase their knowledge. Certifications are a proven way to prove your worth to potential employers and recruiters. A professional certification, when aligned with your expertise, can help you move up the career ladder.
All businesses are moving to the cloud to ensure their technical operations. AWS certification can give you a competitive edge in your career and help companies shift to the cloud.
en attendant voici quelques ressources :